The Muon Accelerator School will run from August 3-6 at the University of Chicago. This opportunity is aimed at physicists and accelerator specialists looking to understand the big muon collider picture and get involved in muon collider research.
The accelerator school will be followed by the 2nd Annual US Muon Collider Collaboration meeting.
The program will provide a big-picture background motivating muon colliders, then dig into key accelerator challenges. It will include lectures, small discussion sections, and problem sets. Students will be expected to have a solid foundation in physics, but no specific accelerator knowledge will be assumed. Students are expected to join for the full program and complete all assignments. Housing will be provided to admitted students for both the school and the collaboration meeting.
Applications for the program will open in early 2025.
Please reach out to the organizers at mucschool-2025-org@fnal.gov with any questions.